53 | “Speak from your heart, for that is where it is supposed to come from.” (Kelley Brandon)
Bantering through tangents and running the thoroughfares, Kelley Brandon, a special soul, and mother to her precious athlete rider turned angel runner Connor, joins Joe and Rooster to discuss and educate us on topics ranging from Lupus and Special Olympics Torch Runs to being a mom and her Ainsley’s Angels journey of strangers yesterday, friends today, family for life. We dive and laugh together, for when we are with our family, it brings us joy and gives us a way to navigate through our darker days. Knowing if I call, my family will answer to help find or open an outlet to recharge our batteries. Together, We Shall!
Audio version of the Together, We Shall Podcast can be found on Buzzsprout (link below), on the Apple Podcast app, as well as on Spotify, Amazon, and the Ainsley’s Angels YouTube channel for those seeking closed captioning or just like to watch vice listen to podcasts. https://twspodcast.buzzsprout.com
Together, We Shall Podcast is hosted by Kim ‘Rooster’ Rossiter, President and Co-Founder of Ainsley’s Angels of America, and Joe Orth, Executive Vice President of Ainsley’s Angels. This inclusive podcast takes you into a world of tangents and thoroughfares, focusing on a conversation to be determined. Highlighting current events, insightful antidotes and life lessons with banter, sit back and listen to a little bit of humor and a few emotional deep dives during each episode. Let’s roll! If you would like to join us on the podcast, place to share/tell stories and connect, or nominate someone to join us on the podcast, email us at Podcast@AinsleysAngels.org